4th Street Football Computer Game Support

Computer Game Updates: 

Clicking on the "update" link below will send you to a download page for the update to the 4th Street Football program.  Instructions for gaining access to the FREE update are included on that page.   
When prompted, Run the file. The updated files will be automatically placed in the default game folder (C:Program Files/4th Street Software/4th Street Football. If you are running Windows 7 or higher, the "Program Files" folder may be the "Program Files (x86)" folder.)  You can have the program check for updates by choosing "Check Web for Updates" from the "Help" menu on the main screen. 
If the version number below does not match the version number of your game and the game is still reporting that the program is up-to-date, you may have to clear the file cache.  For example in Chrome
  • click the 3-dots in the top-right corner
  • select "Clear Browsing Data..." from "More Tools"
  • be sure that the "Clear Files and Images" checkbox is checked (you may wish to check some of the other options, too)
  • click the "Clear Data" button
Program Current Version Number Notes Click to visit update page Date Posted
Pro Football Version 6 The files in this update will replace several of the ones initially installed on your computer. update 12/9/2024  Fixed an issue with importing user-created plays into coaching profile.  Fixed an issue with using user-created plays.  Fixed an issue with the program occasionally compiling manually played games twice.  Fixed a backup issue when using the "Compile All" option.  Fixed an issue involving punting.  Fixed an issue involving kickers from the 1969-1973 seasons.  Added more functionality to player editor.  Fixed an issue with activating the program from the demo version.  Fixed issue with stats display from game crediting punt returns to punters rather than punt returners.  Added "Compile Immediately" and "Delete After Compiling" options to regular game.  Added some more stats functions to Stats Display screen.  Added option to use punters' A&B (<R <N) columns on or inside their team's 40 yard line, which will produce much more accurate punting results, especially for newer seasons (this option is posted on the "Era Options" tab).  Added "Compile Immediately" option, along with the option to immediately delete a file after compiling (this option is posted on the "Game Options" tab).  Touch-up to prevent issues when using additional plays from team coaching files.  Touch-up to prevent issues when using additional plays from team coaching files.  Program updates are now checked automatically, somewhat similar to the other 4th Street computer games.  Additional plays (pistol, wildcat, wing-T) can now be imported into team coaching files.  Annual maintenance update.  Added a player view panel, which automatically loads in "classic" game.  Includes buttons which initiate a side-by-side player comparison for players involved in a matchup, a "Ret" button which displays the return table, a "RC" button which displayed the result codes and their interpretations, and a play diagram button which displays a card of the last play call.  A green arrow button expands/contracts the view.  The player view panel can be moved around the screen, hidden completely, and made visible again by clicking the new Display Player View button on the main toolbar.  Annual maintenance update.  Fixed an issue with the standings reports when ties occur in the first game of a replay.  Added a "Injury Reducer" option in the game options screen.  Fixed some issues with PBP results not being accurate, especially on pass plays.  Added a "Player Font Size" to the preferences menu in the game screen.  Fixed an issue with offensive penalties occurring at the end of the first half.  Placed a default font size in the game screen code to help prevent inadvertent errors.  Fixed an issue with exiting the game screen.  Updated master "playfile" to include more accurate graphical representations of each play.  Fixed a discrepancy between how the computer game and board game handled linebacker lanes during running plays.  Updated the master playfile so that it better matches the board game plays and the chalkboard play criteria.  Fixed an issue with time of possession.  Annual maintenance update.  Updated file locations for updates.  Annual maintenance update.  Fixed issue with some defensive players not showing up on player display calls during games. Adjusted a aesthetic issue of players being identified in a matchup "won" by a QB during a scramble.  Annual maintenance update.  Added support to "tweak" the time-per-play aspect. The option has been placed at the bottom of the "Time" tab in the Game Options screen.  Fixed an issue with playing only offense or only defense for one or both teams.  Included new result code "80" which can be used in FG and PAT situations for older seasons (good on PAT, NG on FG.) 
Reinserted the 25-second option for play clock.  Fixed overflow issue when multiple season replays are compiled.  Fixed issue with font size preferences switching back to defaults after a game was played.  Minor update  Yearly update, including support for new PAT rules.  

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